Shades of Tone
A look into the world of Tone Motivates-She believes in motivating at least one person a day and, that anything can be changed, learned or removed with habit. She doesn’t claim to know it all she’s just simply a tour guide helping you navigate through your personal path. We’re on this journey together so it is important to make the most out of your time because it’ll pass anyway! She will ensure you have the open mind frame and, growth mindset needed to open your life to exactly where you want it for you and yours!
As Always, Always Love!
Shades of Tone
A New Year with Purposeful Intentions
Setting goals without intention is like driving without a destination, as Oprah Winfrey's wisdom reminds us that gratitude paves the way for abundance. Let's welcome the new year with open arms and a fresh mindset as I share my personal journey into motherhood and how it has redefined my approach to growth and goal-setting. Join me in an episode filled with insights on the transformative power of small steps, like drinking more water or customizing a fitness routine that fits your life, and how these baby steps lead to meaningful progress.
Discover the art of aligning your goals with your core values, creating a harmonious roadmap for the year ahead. Through practical exercises and guided visualization, we explore how to craft goals that truly resonate with what you hold dear—be it creativity, freedom, or security. So grab a pen and paper, and let's embark on this journey of intentional living together, making this year one filled with purpose and fulfillment.
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As Always, Always Love!
Mind Mazes Prompted Journal:
Happy New Year's, guys, and welcome back to a new season of Shades of Tone. It's the one and only Tone Motivates, and I hope you guys are doing great out there, because your girl is doing wonderful. I actually just had a beautiful baby girl and we are doing well. Mommy and baby are resting and taking off time as needed, not feeling guilty about it and just doing what I want. Okay, so let's jump right into it.
Speaker 1:Today, we are going to be talking about manifesting growth and setting intentional goals for a fulfilling year. And setting intentional goals for a fulfilling year Now, in the words of the beautiful, the great, the queen, oprah Winfrey. She says be thankful for what you have. You'll end up having even more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never have enough.
Speaker 1:So, with that being said, I think it's very important for us to know that sometimes we don't have to just focus on the end result. We want to take those baby steps to get there, so we can start small. And let's say, for instance, you struggle with drinking water every day. I know plenty of people that hate drinking water. Now, instead of thinking, oh my God, I got to drink a gallon a day. What am I going to do. Start small. Make it a goal to drink a bottle of water before noon each day, and then add to that a 16.9 bottle will total a little over 48 gallons at the end of the year, and that is great. That's almost a gallon a week, okay. So little steps will get you there. So I would like to know when was the last time you set a goal that truly lift you up? I mean, it sparked flames for you. Fire, okay, firecrackers. All of that Was it connected to something you deeply value? I personally can work on a goal for months and fall off completely. So I try to be consistently intentional, for instance, with working out. Going to the gym isn't for me and I'm likely to quit just because I have to go to said gym. So I work out at home and use the trail behind my house. This way, I don't have as many excuses. That's a good one, right? So let's chat about the power of intention. So intention versus generic goal setting Setting a goal without intention is like hopping in your car with no destination.
Speaker 1:You'll drive in circles, burn fuel and end up frustrated, not to say that that's not good. Sometimes. Just hop in a car and be out, you know, go wherever the wind may take you, but on a regular, daily basis. Is that very conducive to what we want to do? I didn't think so. So goals grounded in values and vision are more sustainable.
Speaker 1:Think of one thing you want to achieve this year. Now ask yourself why, if it's just because I should scratch it and dig deeper, why does it truly matter to you? Next, we should practice practical ways to align goals with values. Step one identify your core values. Think of your values as your personal GPS. Would you rather have clear directions or keep asking strangers for help? And we know sometimes strangers will take you in circles. Okay, like you know, you just came off of that block and they tell you to go back there. So now it's time for a little prompty. Prompt you ready, grab a pen and jot down three words that describe what's most important to you right now. Right now. Right now, Is it freedom? Is it freedom, creativity, security, whatever it is? Write it down.
Speaker 1:The next step is to visualize your ideal year. Let's try a quick guided visualization exercise. Close your eyes, of course not while driving Beep, beep. Imagine it's December 31st. What are you most proud of? What did you achieve that feels deeply fulfilling. Think about that.
Speaker 1:Next, let's create values driven with goals. For example, if you value creativity, a fulfilling goal might be starting a blog, designing a product or taking an art class, not just landing a promotion that stifles your creativity. I got another prompt for you. You already know prompt prompt Match a core value with one bold goal for a year. Again, match a core value with one bold goal for the year. So, for example, value equals adventure. Goal equals travel to one new country or across your country solo, and I must tell you, traveling by yourself. It could be a little nerve wracking at first, but it was one of the most liberating things I could have ever did a couple years ago.
Speaker 1:Next, let's chat about barriers and breakthroughs. Let's discuss some common roadblocks, for example, fear of failure, overthinking perfectionism. With fear of failure, it could prevent you from taking a calculated risk With overthinking, it can talk you out of something you want to do and perfectionism can prevent you from taking a calculated risk. With overthinking, it can talk you out of something you want to do and perfectionism can prevent you from starting or doing something all together. I once spent weeks designing the perfect planner instead of actually planning anything. I've also created programs and never published them transparency moment. So I come up with mantras like progress over perfection, a messy start beats no start. So you know I got another challenge for you right. What's one small action you can take today toward your goal? Share with me. I want to cheer you on. I hope you guys are having a great year so far. Make sure that you apply all of these tips to this week and join us back next week as we dive in to more stuff, and the next episode will be about breaking barriers. As always, guys always love.